6th December 2021: A Week in Parliament

Boris Johnson’s Conduct

There is an infuriating rule in the House of Commons that you cannot accuse an MP of telling lies – even if you are sure they are lying. This is because we are all “honourable” and therefore it is not right to accuse a fellow MP of dishonour. The SNP held an opposition day debate on the conduct of Boris Johnson but because it was a specific motion about censuring Johnson for his conduct, it was confirmed, effectively, there was a licence to call things as they are. Very refreshing!

The one disappointment from my perspective was that I only had three minutes to speak, which clearly is not enough time to identify all Johnson’s failings. I was the only MP who brought up that Johnson had been caught conspiring to have a journalist beaten up. Imagine we have a Prime Minister who was happy to have someone beaten up? He is corrupt to the core – when questioned about rewarding Tory donors by appointing them to the Lords, he answered: “Until you get rid of the system by which the trades union barons fund other parties, we have to… we have to go ahead”. Confirmation of corruption!

Small Business Saturday

It was great to go and visit some businesses on the same street as my office – Titchfield Street. It was inspiring that for many it was not just about working for themselves, it was very much about creating and giving opportunities to others. This is proof that these small local businesses are the bedrock of our economy. It really was a pleasure to hear the various start-up stories.


Private Members Bills


Two of my colleagues were at Westminster to present private members bills. However, yet again they were victims of the archaic system whereby the UK Government deliberately talked out the bill on the agenda before theirs. This means their bills were not even given a debate. So frustrating especially when they were simple, fair bills. One was to allow asylum seekers to work while their applications are being assessed – surely we would rather asylum seekers earn money and integrate into society rather than be forbidden to work? The other bill was for automatic paid leave for women who suffer a miscarriage. I think it astonishing that such provision doesn’t exist at present and it is, therefore, even more, astonishing the Tories are blocking the concept.


Darvel Music Festival


It was great to see Skerryvore return to Darvel Town Hall as part of the Darvel Music Festival’s weekend. The atmosphere was fantastic and it does bring a buzz to Darvel. Well done to all the hard-working committee members who have kept this going – 20 years now which is amazing. Even more so, was talk of next year being their 21st anniversary, so it is great to have more events to look forward to. It is testament to the ambition of the committee to have attracted so many top-level acts over the years. Acts that genuinely bring fans from around the country to Darvel. Well done all.