24th January 2022: A Week in Parliament
/New Covid Treatment
We know bad news stories are easy to find. I was delighted to hear from a constituent who was so happy about the treatment he had received from the NHS locally. He was given notification that because of his health condition he would be eligible for a new viral anti-body treatment if he contracted covid-19. By coincidence, he did contract covid a few days later. He phoned the recommended number and was advised there is a daily 1030am meeting to discuss cases. The very next morning he was given the phone call to come in and get his treatment. A very small turnaround time and excellent service all around, protecting the most medically vulnerable. Well done to all involved.
I am sure everyone will welcome the lifting of most covid restrictions in Scotland. The wearing of masks has now been confirmed by the World Health Organisation as the number one low cost-effective protective measure against covid-19. It is therefore astonishing that in England they are lifting the requirement to wear masks on public transport and in shops. The reality is that Omicron is still about and it seems that Johnson is lifting all restrictions just to head off more unrest from his backbenchers. It is irresponsible. The Scottish Tories claim that the additional restrictions in Scotland compared to England has had no effect as infection rates in Scotland are similar to England. This is not true – London peaked with an infection rate twice as high as Scotland and while we had an infection rate of 1 in 20, England as a whole was at 1 in 15. Therefore, it can be argued infection rates are similar, but the reality is that statistically, for every 50,000 people covid positive, it would be 66,666 in England, meaning much more pressure on the NHS and services. It also means that the general rate in England was 33% higher. What will be difficult to prove, however, is how much it can be attributed to the additional measures we had to comply with.
The situation in Ukraine is a concern with the Russian troops mobilised on the border. There is strong talk from the United States about possible consequences. However, what appetite is there for another war? It is quite despairing really. What needs to happen before it is too late is for more robust sanctions to be applied to Russia including removal from the international payment system which would hurt them economically. More importantly, the United Kingdom and particularly the Tory party needs to clamp down on dodgy Russian money which is diverted through new developments, particularly in London. And of course, the Tories rely on donations from people with links to Russia. It stinks.
In line with guidance from the Scottish Government about working from home where possible, my office remains closed to the public, except for special appointments. However, I am still doing virtual surgeries every Friday. So always get in touch if you are looking for assistance. I do look forward to fully re-opening though.