16th May 2022: A Week in Parliament
/WASPI Campaign
I was delighted to meet once more with two of the Ayrshire WASPI campaigners at my office. I have signed the pledge demanding quick and fair compensation following the ombudsman confirming there was a failure in communications from the DWP. During the cost of living crisis, surely nothing would help more than some form of compensation which will allow women affected to maybe just live more comfortably and be able to pay for stuff they cannot afford to get done? It would provide a real boost for local economies as well.
Queen’s Speech Ceremony
We had the weird charade of her crown getting chauffeur-driven to the House of Lords while Prince Charles and Camilla travelled in a separate Rolls Royce. It is all a bit at odds with the cost of living crisis. The pomp and pageantry may have its place and appeals to tourists, but I think there is something wrong to throw money at some ceremonies and then a few days later, announcing they want to sack 91,000 civil servants to save money. At the weekend, it was nauseating listening to an unelected Lord telling us people need to be paid off for the Government to tighten their belts. Surely we should start with the 800 Lords? On a brighter note, it was good to see the Queen able to undertake some duties after missing those she would normally undertake at Westminster.
Queen’s Speech Legislation
Yet again, the legislation announced in the Queens’ Speech was a damp squib. Nothing to tackle the cost of living crisis. Plenty of bluster but no substance. The internal chaos of this Government was laid bare when some ministers were hinting there could be an emergency budget, then others denied it. There were hints more will be done about the cost of living crisis, and then this was also denied. After continuing to rule out a windfall tax, the Chancellor hinted he might reconsider. Given the chairman of BP stated that a windfall tax won’t jeopardise their planned investment, then there is no reason to hold back. However, the SNP has also consistently stated that windfall taxes should be considered on all those who saw massive profit increases due to covid including Amazon and the major supermarkets. This would also capture all the Tory cronies and donors who made excessive profits from their PPE contracts.
Meanwhile, Tory backbenchers are lobbying for tax cuts. I appreciate some will argue tax cuts will help people during this cost of living crisis. However, you can bet that the tax cuts will favour the richest the most, further increasing inequality.
Christian Aid Booksale
I popped into the Howard Centre to support their second-hand book sale to raise funds for Christian Aid. I may have been a bit ambitious in buying 24 books since I find it hard to devote as much time to read as I would like. But I live in hope! A big thank you to the volunteers and those who donated so many books – enough to do a second sale!