6th June 2022: A Week in Parliament

Queen’s Jubilee

Hopefully, many people enjoyed the extra two-day holiday period granted for the Queen’s Jubilee. Serving 70 years is certainly some feat. Congratulations are rightly due. On a personal basis, I am not one for the pomp and service nor the fawning over the Queen. However, I recognise her service and while it can be easy to dismiss what she does, the amount of travelling in her job, the speeches to learn, diplomacy, politics, including in recent times, working with some real duff prime ministers, then it is a genuinely challenging and tiring role. There have been many changes in her time of service, including nearly 50 countries becoming independent from the UK since she took the throne. Will there be at least one more?


As I write, a vote of confidence has been triggered for Boris Johnson. It is amazing how many Tories calling for his head, had also supported him to be leader in the first place. They backed a scheming liar, and yet, have been surprised he continues to be a charlatan, a liar and a rule breaker. At the same time, they have helped him put through legislation that weakens our democracy – he alone can now call a general election without going through parliament; he has weakened the powers of the electoral commission when the reality is they need tougher powers; they are removing the right to protest; privatising Channel 4 - because it dares to be critical; pushing through boundary changes which favour the Tories and he has now changed the Ministerial code so that rule-breaking doesn’t mean automatic resignation. In short, they have backed him to create an authoritarian state and make him the most powerful prime minister ever and at the same time, turned a blind eye to him receiving dodgy donations and appointing Lebedev to the House of Lords despite security concerns. When he wins his vote of confidence, expect some false contrition, but the reality is that this leopard cannot change his spots.

Auchinleck Talbot

I headed to Rugby Park for my final football match of the season and was delighted to see Talbot win the Junior Cup for an astonishing 14th time. It is an incredible record especially when there are so many teams from larger towns and with bigger budgets.

Newmilns Show/Community Events

I attended the Newmilns show and felt it was a larger crowd than previously which was great to see. The fantastic weather probably helped, as much as the post covid desire for normality. The efforts that go into organising an agricultural show are incredible, so well done to all involved. It is great seeing the work that goes on and how volunteers step up to the mark.

The same weekend had Galston Boys and Girls football tournament at Portland Park, Galston, which again sees a huge number of volunteers give up their entire weekend. With a fete on at Shortlees, it demonstrates an amazing variety of events. I will always try and attend community events so if you have something on, please let my office know.