2nd October 2023: A Week in Parliament

£20m Funding

Out of the blue Westminster announced a 10-year funding package for Kilmarnock. Obviously, I will always support additional investment and want to see it form part of proper long-term planning. However, it is bizarre that there was no process, no discussions, no bid process but an announcement of “here are towns we have decided to give money to”. The politics are such that yet again, it is an attitude that “Westminster knows best”. Scotland still loses out overall in EU funding we would have received, and had Kilmarnock not been one of the seven Scottish towns chosen I would have raised about the lack of transparency, but at least it has worked in our favour for once! Another issue I have is that for long-term planning for the wider communities I would far rather our surrounding towns and villages had access to the funding, not just Kilmarnock, because Westminster says so. Still, time to get working and planning on making Kilmarnock better as a shopping and leisure centre.

Scottish Affairs Committee

I am pleased to have been selected by the SNP to sit on the Scottish Affairs Committee at Westminster. I look forward to working cross-party to stand up for our best interests and hold the Scotland Office, as well as the wider UK Government, to account on policy that has a direct effect on Scotland. Committees are all about cross-party working, but I have a feeling with Douglas Ross as a committee member, the job of the chair to get consensus will be much more difficult!

Macmillan Coffee Morning

I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended my office’s Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday. It was great to see so many organisations have one to raise money for a truly fantastic cause. I also want to pay tribute to those who donated to my JustGiving fundraiser, it is much appreciated. The fundraiser will remain open for another week or so if anyone would still like to donate. The link to donate is pinned on my social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter/X).

Killie Community Walk & Talk

Despite the weather, there was a good turnout at the Killie Community’s Walk & Talk. The club’s charity does so much wonderful and worthwhile work and I really enjoyed partaking in this particular event. It runs every Wednesday afternoon and combines exercise with the love of the football club – everyone is welcome! However, last week the group was treated to 97 Cup Winning Captain Ray Montgomerie and Club Historian John Livingston joining them for the stomp around the town. It was brilliant to hear the stories from Monty - and it is always fascinating to see John Livingston’s remarkable knowledge of the club in action. Massive well done to the club for running these events, and I would encourage constituents to try it out. For more information, please contact the Killie Community.