5th June 2023: A Week in Parliament

Covid Enquiry Farce

In the “cannot make it up” next stage, the UK Government are undertaking a judicial review on the right of the judge heading the covid enquiry to request Whatsapp messages of Government Ministers. They set up the enquiry, didn’t set any such rules and then whine when Lady Hallet asked for Johnson’s Whatsapp messages. It is incredible. And of course Johnson says he will hand them over, presumably because he thinks it will incriminate others. Of course he claims he cannot hand over details from before April 2021 because his phone was classed as a security risk. Imagine having a Government that had so many phones classed as security risks? A disgrace in itself. However, these messages could and should still be accessed by security experts. I believe in the principle in the right to privacy over communications  - when it is private dialogue. Given that so much decision making about covid and lobbying about PPE contracts for friends and cronies was undertaken by WhatsApp then clearly the enquiry should have access to them. And to redact, maintain privacy as required as long as the data can be used and understood for lessons to learn on how to handle future pandemics – the whole point of the enquiry.

Whitsun Recess

Parliament had yet another recess. I used it as an opportunity to visit energy and transport firms and operations in the north of Scotland, Orkney and the Aberdeen area. This was to find out what they are doing with regards the journey to net zero and what policy support is required by Government. At the Port Of Nigg, they are close to creating and securing manufacturing opportunities – however, the problem for so long has been the UK Government procurement process and them always squeezing companies on process making them buy equipment from abroad instead of paying a bit more in strike prices to allow investment in manufacturing. Such a short sighted approach.

In Orkney we saw the world leading tidal development as well as hydrogen and battery storage in combination, again, world leading. In Aberdeen we visited a company who have designed and manufacture their own electric car charging system which is designed for those who have to park their cars on the street. This work by Trojan is the key way forward to allow everyone to have their own home charging system even if they do have to park on the street. It was great to see how some people with ideas manage to take them forward. This is the spirit needed to get to net zero and to create more jobs along the way.

While everyone was enjoying the sun, I can confirm it was freezing in Orkney!

Deposit Return Scheme

No matter your views on a deposit return scheme, it is not for Westminster to tell the Scottish and Welsh Governments that they cannot include glass in their deposit return scheme. This is typical of a combination of “we know best” and “just do what we tell you”. Outrageous and part of a worrying trend.