17th July 2023: A Week in Parliament

Thames Water Evidence Session

I was pleased to be asked to be part of the Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs Committee’s evidence session on Thames Water last week. Thames Water, a major UK water company, faced a financial crisis and leadership changes. It has received criticism for polluting rivers, neglecting infrastructure, paying high dividends and excessive executive salaries. The company has £14bn debt, one of the highest among UK water companies, and relies on uncertain dividends to cover interest payments. The session aimed to clarify the situation at Thames Water and investigate the wider water sector's impact on consumers. I was happy to lead in questions to Alastair Cochran (Joint Interim CEO) where I quizzed him on the company’s dividends. It was staggering to see that, from their own figures, 33% of the company’s debt equated to dividend payments, how can that be sustainable? What was also interesting, was that at the outset he advised that they paid out around £4bn in dividends, however, I was given a report during the session which conveyed this number was actually £7.2bn – not even close! I went back to him on that and now he has had to pledge to write to clarify matters. It will be a terrible state of affairs if he was so wrong in his answer.

On a side note, we in Scotland pay less for our water bills as a result of rejecting privatisation, compare that to the state of affairs England.

Two Child Cap

Labour have now ruled out reversing a Tory policy that Labour frontbenchers have called “heinous”, “cruel and inhumane” amongst other descriptions. What is going on with Starmer?

Bonnyton Street Surgery

On Friday I was out chapping doors, along with my staff, in Bonnyton as part of my Street Surgery engagement. We hit around 200 doors and it’s always great to talk to constituents on their doorstep about local and national issues that are important to them. It was yet another positive experience as residents do seem to appreciate you talking to them and listening to their concerns. Thankfully, we missed most of the heavy rain as it only came on for the last half hour or so. Once again, I have to emphasise that this is not party-political, and it is a chance for constituents to raise matters so that we can then take the cases up and make enquiries through my office. 

Killie Foodbanks

It was great to see Killie start the season with a 3-0 win against Annan in the League Cup. Now the football season is back, you will be seeing Killie Foodbanks at every game at Rugby Park. They will be stationed at the blue shed at the rear of the Moffat Stand like they were last season. We could discuss all day the disgrace that is people in 21st century UK there are so many people reliant on them. Pair that with the current cost of living crisis means the demand is higher than ever. Those who once gave now need, so, it is vital we all do our bit and if we can afford to, then please give what you can to a great cause.