Kilmarnock Standard comments on PM - 20/1/22

“The Prime Minister’s position is simply untenable. When the rest of us made sacrifices, they partied in Downing Street – it’s one rule for them and another for the rest of us. 

“I have been contacted by constituents sharing their personal experience of not being able to spend time with loved ones, and in some cases being unable to say goodbye to them due to the restrictions that were in place. This is a massive slap in the face to them and it is completely unacceptable.

“For me, this is the final straw – it has to be. This is the Prime Minister who lied to the Queen and prorogued parliament. He oversaw the catastrophic Brexit deal and has reckless decisions all through the pandemic. How can he survive this?

“Bear in mind he illegally prorogues parliament; his Government have been found to have illegally awarded PPE contracts to their cronies and donors; he took a donation illegally for the refurbishment of No.10 Downing Street and he stuffs the Lords with Tory donors. He and his Government are corrupt to the core. 

“You have seen members of his front bench attacking the Scottish Conservative Leader, Douglas Ross, when he called for Johnson to resign. Describing him as “lightweight” and essentially irrelevant. Given this is what they think of their own Scottish representatives, this is proof of his attitude to Scotland. 

“We all know what Johnson really thinks of Scotland. ‘A pound spent in Croydon is of better value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde’ according to him.

“Once again the circus that is Westminster politics has reiterated to me that there is no doubt we can do better and the people of Scotland deserve better.”

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