20th May 2024: A Week in Parliament

WASPI Campaign

I want to express my deep frustration regarding the ongoing challenges in the WASPI campaign. Friday should have been the second reading of my Ten Minute Rule Bill at Parliament. Unfortunately, due to it being too far down the order paper, it has had to be rescheduled once again. This is now the second time we've faced such a delay, and it truly highlights the frustrating nature of the Westminster parliamentary process. This continual kicking of the can down the road personifies the treatment various UK governments have inflicted on these 1950s-born women. Governments of all political colours have had the chance and the power to rectify this grave injustice, yet time and time again, they have let these women down. It's a significant and disheartening reflection of their priorities. Last week, I had the opportunity to speak in the debate led by my SNP colleague, Patricia Gibson. The representation from the Tories overall, as well as the Labour front benches, was horrendous. With a Labour Government likely at the next General Election, the pressing question remains: will they commit to paying these women what they are rightfully due?

Infected Blood Scandal

At last the infected blood Inquiry report is due to be published. Another Westminster scandal that has dragged on for decades. It is particularly tragic for those who have family members that have died before they can ever see any proper admission of guilt and apologies from the UK Authorities. Clearly compensation doesn’t bring people back to life either.

Kilmarnock F.C.

I had a very Killie-orientated weekend. It kicked off on Friday night with Forever and Ever's End of Season Party. Over 100 of us packed into the Barclay Suite to celebrate what has been a wonderful season to be a Killie fan. The three guests—Alan Mahood, Stevie Murray, and Pat Nevin—were all fantastic, and it was great to reminisce about their time at the club and mingle with the supporters. Then onto Saturday, where we travelled to Dens Park for a party in the stands. More than 1700 Killie fans backed the team in our final game of the season. It was an amazing sight, with the sea of blue and white cheering the team on. It was then a quick turnaround as we had to get back from Dundee and have a quick change to head out for the Club's official Player of the Year and Hall of Fame night. What a fantastic occasion! Well done to all the winners and new inductees. It was great to see both Gus Macpherson and Mark Reilly rewarded for their service to the club over the years—two very worthy inductees. A special mention to the late, great Tommy Burns, who was also inducted into the Hall of Fame. For me, he is the most influential figure in the club's history in the last 50 years. It was touching to see his wife Rosemary and other members of his family present to witness this well-deserved recognition. What a wonderful weekend it was. I now look forward to the European tour starting at the end of July!

13th May 2024: A Week in Parliament

Tory Defections to Labour

It's been a turbulent fortnight in Westminster, with two Tory MPs defecting to Labour. Among them, Natalie Elphicke's decision to cross the benches raises serious questions about Labour's values and principles. Elphicke's track record is concerning, to say the least. From suggesting that Marcus Rashford missed his penalty in the Euro 2020 final due to his focus on free school meals to her suspension from the House of Commons for attempting to influence a judge presiding over a sexual assault trial involving her ex-husband, her actions raise red flags. Labour's acceptance of her begs the question: What values does the Labour Party truly stand for? When Sir Keir Starmer speaks of a "changed" Labour Party, it's disheartening to see that this change involves embracing one of the most right-wing politicians in Parliament. It's crucial we uphold the values and principles that truly serve the interests of our constituents. I hope Labour takes a moment to reflect on the message they're sending by welcoming individuals like Natalie Elphicke into their ranks. By contrast, I know that while the SNP has to grow numbers to achieve independence, then if there were a Scottish equivalent of Natalie Elphicke who wanted to defect to the SNP, I would like to think we would look at the bigger picture and say "no thanks".

Changes at Holyrood

Under the leadership of First Minister John Swinney, I am confident that the SNP will navigate through the recent challenges and steer towards a brighter future. Swinney's pledge to work collaboratively across the Parliament is welcome, as it underscores the importance of cooperation in addressing the pressing issues facing our nation as a whole. I commend him for assembling a Cabinet team that blends seasoned experience with energy. With a strong focus on eradicating child poverty, driving economic growth, meeting climate obligations, and investing in our vital public services, this team is poised to deliver tangible results for Scotland. I look forward to working with my Holyrood colleagues in advancing our shared vision of independence for Scotland. Together, we will work towards creating a fairer and more prosperous nation for future generations.


Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Vets4Pets in my constituency, and it was truly insightful to witness firsthand the important work they are doing. Located within Pets at Home at Queen's Drive Retail Park, Vets4Pets plays a vital role in ensuring the health and wellbeing of our pets. During my visit, I gained insights into their operations and the dedication of their team. I am pleased to share that Vets4Pets is actively seeking new clients, and I encourage any constituents who are considering registering their pets with them to do so. Additionally, for those who visit the store, there's an opportunity to pick up a leaflet offering a free consultation for dogs, cats and rabbits. This offer is exclusively for new clients or new pets, and it's a fantastic way to ensure your beloved pets receive the care they deserve. I want to say a massive thank you to Georgina, Caolan and Jen for their hospitality and for taking the time to show me around their facilities. Their expertise and dedication are truly commendable and I urge anyone in need of pet care or advice to pay them a visit.

6th May 2024: A Week in Parliament

Humza Yousaf

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Humza for his unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in serving both Scotland and the SNP. Leading the party through turbulent times is no easy feat, yet he approached every challenge with grace and dignity. His handling of the conflict in Gaza stands as a testament to his moral compass and unwavering resolve. In a political landscape often marred by divisiveness, Humza remained steadfast in his pursuit of justice, earning the respect and admiration of many, both within and beyond our borders. He is, without a doubt, a leader who can hold his head high, knowing that he stood on the right side of history. I wish to express my gratitude to Humza for his commitment to Scotland and the cause of independence. As the SNP prepares to elect a new leader, we must remain united in our shared vision for Scotland's future. The challenges ahead may be daunting, but I am confident that with the same spirit of determination and resilience that guided us under Humza's leadership, we will continue to stand up for Scotland and work tirelessly to build a stronger, fairer, and more prosperous country.

John Swinney

I welcome John Swinney's election as SNP Party Leader. His press conference last week showcased the steady leadership we need in these challenging times. Kate Forbes' endorsement further underscores John's value to our party and our nation. With their combined experience and vision, I am confident in their ability to lead Scotland with integrity from the frontbenches.


The ongoing betrayal of WASPI women by Westminster parties is nothing short of shameful. Despite ample opportunities, both Labour and the Tories have failed to apologize or devise a compensation scheme for these women who have been unjustly disadvantaged. Even more disgraceful is their refusal to accept the findings of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman regarding the UK Government's failures in this matter. In Kilmarnock and Loudoun alone, this negligence affects 6,500 women, a fact that cannot be ignored. Since my election in 2015, I have tirelessly raised this issue in Parliament, advocating for justice for these women who have been left in financial uncertainty through no fault of their own. The SNP stands firm in our commitment to ensure that every single WASPI woman receives the justice and full compensation they rightfully deserve. I have personally championed the cause of WASPI women, and I continue to push for progress. My 10 Minute Rule Bill regarding the rights of WASPI women is awaiting its second reading in Parliament. Westminster cannot continue to kick the can down the road on this crucial issue. It's time for action, not empty promises. As long as Scotland remains tethered to this dysfunctional Westminster system, the SNP will remain a strong voice for WASPI women and for Scotland's values. We will not rest until justice is served and these women are given the support they need and deserve.

29th April 2024: A Week in Parliament

Horizon Scandal

I'm deeply troubled by the ongoing injustice surrounding the Horizon Scandal, a debacle that has wreaked havoc on the lives of countless individuals across the UK. Currently, there's legislation making its way through Westminster to exonerate all convictions related to this in England and Wales, as well as an extension to Northern Ireland. However, the Scottish Government's attempts to collaborate with Westminster on this matter have been met with disdain. Sadly, this means that individuals in Scotland continue to face prolonged uncertainty and anguish as the UK Government refuses to extend this north of the border. This issue hits close to home, as at least two of my constituents have been directly impacted by the scandal. One of them, tragically, has passed away without ever having the opportunity to clear her name. It's a heartbreaking reminder of the human cost of bureaucratic failure and institutional negligence.


It's deeply disappointing that the UK Government is not listening to the calls for justice coming from Scotland. We cannot let this persist. These individuals, who have endured years of torment and uncertainty, deserve the chance to clear their names and reclaim their dignity. It's imperative that we rectify this grave injustice and ensure that those affected by the Horizon Scandal receive the justice they rightfully deserve.

I've consistently raised this matter in Westminster, and my involvement in the select committee inquiry back in 2020 led to recommendations being made to the UK Government. One would have hoped that these actions would have expedited the delivery of justice, yet here we are, four years on, still grappling with the same unresolved issues.

Cut and Connect

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting Cut and Connect, an innovative project that's been making waves across East Ayrshire. Cut and Connect isn't your typical mobile hairdressing van. It's a testament to community resilience and support, thanks in part to the funding from East Ayrshire Council's Renewable Energy Fund. This initiative brings essential hairdressing and barber services directly to those who may otherwise struggle to access them. During my visit it was evident to see the genuine community spirit from everyone involved in the project. From the skilled professionals offering more than just haircuts to the welcoming space complete with a barista coffee station, Cut and Connect goes above and beyond to create a supportive environment for all. The growing demand for its services speaks volumes about its importance in our community's wellbeing. And yes, I couldn't resist getting a trim myself from Susan —it was a fantastic experience! I want to extend my sincere thanks to everyone involved in making Cut and Connect a success. From the dedicated staff to the local supporters, each individual plays a vital role in ensuring the project's ongoing success. As Cut and Connect continues to serve the constituency and the wider East Ayrshire community, I'm confident it will remain a valuable asset. Thanks again to everyone for their time, keep up the great work folks.

22nd April 2024: A Week in Parliament

WASPI Ten Minute Rule Bill

Last week, on Friday 19th of April 2024, I anticipated the second reading of my crucial WASPI compensation bill in Parliament. However, as is often the case with such legislative matters, uncertainty loomed over the proceedings due to the intricacies of parliamentary business. Regrettably, I was not allocated a slot to present the bill on that date. However, I have rescheduled the reading for Friday the 17th of May. While this delay is undoubtedly disheartening, it unfortunately aligns with the unpredictable nature of Westminster’s parliamentary process. This setback is not just a disappointment for me, but for the 3.5 million WASPI Women across the UK - including 6,500 in Kilmarnock and Loudoun. Since my election in 2015, I have advocated for their rights and sought redress for the injustices they have faced. Despite this delay, I want to assure all those affected that my commitment to this cause remains unwavering. I will continue to fight tirelessly to ensure that the voices of WASPI Women are heard and that they receive the compensation they are rightfully entitled to. In the interim, I will continue to call on the UK Government to do the right thing and fulfil its obligations to the 1950s women. Furthermore, I call upon the Labour Party to pledge their support for this cause, should they assume power in the next election. Too much time has been wasted, and too many women have died without receiving the justice they deserve. Westminster must step up and rectify this.

Net Zero

Climate change continues to dominate headlines, and it's imperative to address some recent developments on this issue. Amidst global concerns, the Scottish Government stands resolute in its pledge to achieve net zero by 2045. Remarkably, Scotland has already made significant strides, we are around halfway to net zero and we have decarbonised faster than the UK average. Yet, despite these achievements, we face a stark reality: the 2030 interim target is now no longer achievable. However, rather than faltering in the face of adversity, the Scottish Government are doubling down on their efforts with a bold new package of climate action measures. This plan includes expanding EV charge points, integrating public transport ticketing, introducing a carbon tax on large estates, and setting multi-year 'carbon budgets.' These initiatives not only pave the way to net zero but ensure a fair transition for all. By reaffirming our commitment to climate action, Scotland aims to lead by example, becoming one of the first countries in the world to end our contribution to climate change in a manner that upholds justice and fairness. I commend the First Minister’s honesty on this matter and actively trying to address the shortcomings, which is both refreshing and commendable in today's political landscape.

15th April 2024: A Week in Parliament


In light of the distressing events unfolding in Israel, it is imperative that we stand together in condemning the violence and unrest gripping the region. As we rightly hold Israel accountable for its actions, we must also address the role of other actors, such as Iran, in exacerbating the conflict. It really does feel at times we are on the precipice if a regional war in the Middle East. We must also remember that Iran has been a major supplier of drones to Russia for use in their attacks on Ukraine. Conversely, we cannot ignore the fact that Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Syria, a move that did not receive enough condemnation in my opinion. The scenes of devastation and loss of life are a stark reminder of the urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza. The SNP has consistently called for this since the attacks on October 7th, recognising that peace in the Middle East must be our shared objective. It is time for Westminster to unite in advocating for a ceasefire as the first crucial step towards ending the cycle of violence and paving the way for genuine peace negotiations. The tragic loss of innocent civilian lives on both sides underscores the urgency of this call. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people caught in the crossfire. It is incumbent upon us all to work tirelessly towards bringing an end to the bloodshed and creating a future where peace and stability prevail in the region. The killing must stop, and it must stop now.

Committee Trip

During recess, I had a Scottish Affairs Committee trip to the US. We visited San Francisco and Washington as part of wider enquiries into Scotland’s Space sector, as well as Scotland’s Science and Technology sector. We also had the opportunity to go to New York and we were privileged enough to take part in the Tartan Day Parade. To prove it’s a small world, I bumped into two sets of constituents who were there on holiday!

Killie Foodbanks

Huge thanks to the Betting and Gaming Council for their generous £50 charity bet on the Grand National at the weekend. Had luck been on our side, all winnings would have gone directly to my selected charity, Killie Foodbanks. Killie Foodbanks is an organisation made up of dedicated Killie fans who selflessly support our local foodbanks. As part of Fans Supporting Foodbanks Scotland, their motto of #HungerDoesntWearClubColours resonates deeply with the community. Their tireless efforts deserve recognition and applause. Football fans often face unfair stereotypes, but the work of Killie Foodbanks and similar initiatives shines a light on the true spirit of camaraderie and compassion within our communities. They personify what it means to care for others regardless of club allegiances. Despite the horses not delivering a win, I'm pleased to announce that the Betting and Gaming Council will still be donating £250 to Killie Foodbanks. This contribution will go a long way in supporting their vital work, ensuring that those in need receive the assistance they deserve.

8th April 2024: A Week in Parliament

Tartan Day 2024

As MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, I've had the privilege of representing the rich tapestry of Scottish culture and heritage on various platforms. However, nothing quite prepared me for the experience of participating in the Tartan Day Parade in New York City alongside my colleagues in the Scottish Affairs Committee. For those unfamiliar, Tartan Day is a celebration of Scottish heritage that takes place annually on April 6th, marking the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, of course a pivotal moment in Scottish history. It's a day filled with vibrant displays of tartan, traditional music and a sense of pride in Scottish identity. Walking through the bustling streets of Manhattan surrounded by the lively display of tartan and the sound of bagpipes, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride in Scottish culture. The global appeal of this celebration was evident as enthusiasts from around the world joined in the festivities. What truly made this experience unforgettable, however, was the unexpected encounters with constituents amidst the throngs of parade-goers. It's remarkable to think that despite being over 3,000 miles away from Kilmarnock and Loudoun, I found myself bumping into familiar faces on the streets of New York City. It served as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of our global community and the enduring bond that ties Scots together, regardless of geographical distance. Participating in the Tartan Day Parade was a reminder of the enduring bond that unites Scots, no matter where they may find themselves. It was a privilege to stand as a representative for my constituents in such an energetic environment – what an occasion!

Warm Homes Scotland

As MP, it's essential to ensure that constituents have access to resources that can improve their quality of life. That's why I'm spreading the word about Warmer Homes Scotland, a Scottish Government-funded program designed to make homes warmer, healthier, and more affordable to heat. Warmer Homes Scotland offers a comprehensive range of energy-efficient improvements, including wall and loft insulation, draught-proofing, central heating, and renewables. Since its inception in 2015, the program has positively impacted over 35,000 households across Scotland, providing them with warmer and more comfortable living spaces while also contributing to our nation's net zero targets. From assessing your home's needs to installing the improvements and conducting final checks, the program guides you every step of the way. It's a testament to the Scottish Government's commitment to addressing fuel poverty and promoting sustainable living. If you're wondering whether you're eligible for assistance through Warmer Homes Scotland, I encourage you to reach out to Home Energy Scotland at 0808 808 2282 or visit homeenergyscotland.org/warmer-home. By taking advantage of this initiative, you can not only improve the comfort of your home but also contribute to Scotland's transition to a greener, more sustainable future. Together, we can ensure that everyone in our community has access to warm, healthy, and affordable homes.

1st April 2024: A Week in Parliament


 I hope everyone who had the chance to take a break enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend with loved ones and close friends. It's always a special time of year that allows us to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the people who matter most. As we bid farewell to the Easter break, I want to express my appreciation to the schools, where students, teachers, and hard-working staff had a well-deserved respite before gearing up for the busy academic period ahead. A heartfelt thanks goes out to our emergency services personnel who worked tirelessly over the holiday to keep us safe. Their dedication and sacrifice do not go unnoticed. I’d also like to pay to tribute to the dedication of hospitality and retail staff who worked diligently to ensure we could enjoy outings and experiences during this time. Their hard work makes a real difference, allowing us to enjoy time with family and friends. As we get back to our everyday lives, let's keep that sense of gratitude and renewed motivation alive. Easter is a great time to remember the value of moments spent together and the importance of taking a moment to pause and reflect. Wishing you all a Happy Easter.

First Minister

It's been a year of challenges and triumphs under First Minister Humza Yousaf's leadership. Stepping into his role during a turbulent time for the party, there's no doubt he faced formidable obstacles. However, his resilience and dedication have been evident in every decision made. One significant move was evident in his first budget, which prioritized investing in essential public services like our NHS and education over tax cuts for the wealthy. This focus on the well-being of ordinary families reflects a commitment to tackling real issues, especially amidst a cost-of-living crisis. Working with councils to ensure a fully funded council tax freeze demonstrates a practical approach to easing financial burdens on households when they need it most. Additionally, the increased investment in the Scottish Child Payment is a game-changer, potentially lifting 90,000 children out of poverty by the end of 2024. Additionally, the SNP has consistently stood up for Scotland at Westminster, advocating for policies that benefit our communities and economy, as well as taking the lead on the Gaza conflict. In this first year, First Minister Yousaf has shown true leadership by navigating challenges with integrity and a focus on improving the lives of all Scots. Let's continue to support leaders who prioritise people over politics and strive for a better future for everyone in Scotland.

Israel and International Law

It has been reported that the UK Government has received legal advice about Israel’s compliance with international law, and that Israel may be in breach of it. Shamefully, no action has been taken on this. However, it confirms what the SNP has been saying and that there has to be a halt in arms sales from the UK to Israel. I have raised this several times at Westminster and I note that shamefully, Labour still has not done so, even after the reported legal advice.

25th March 2024: A Week in Parliament

PHSO Report on 1950s women

I welcome the recent report from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), which sheds light on the plight of 1950s women affected by changes to the state pension age. The report's findings underscore the urgent need for action and accountability. As I've stated before, justice delayed is indeed justice denied. The PHSO's recommendation for Parliament to intervene and identify a mechanism for providing appropriate remedy is a crucial step forward. The report highlights significant concerns regarding the DWP’s ability to address this injustice adequately. The prospect of further delays and uncertainty for complainants is unacceptable, and it is imperative that Parliament takes decisive action to ensure a fair resolution. While the recommended compensation, ranging between £1,000 and £2,950 per person, is welcome, it falls short of addressing the full extent of the hardship faced by these women. Nevertheless, it is a massive step in the right direction that compensation is being discussed. My Private Members' Bill stands as a remedy to address these issues and provide the support these women are owed. I urge the UK Government to support this initiative and work towards rectifying this longstanding injustice without further delay. It's time for Westminster to act in the best interests of these women and ensure that they receive the justice and support they deserve. The PHSO's call for immediate parliamentary intervention cannot be ignored, and I will continue to push for meaningful action on this critical issue.

Westminster cuts to Scottish block grant

I'm deeply concerned about the UK Government's lack of understanding regarding the "real terms" impact of budget decisions on Scotland's block grant funding. Despite clear evidence from institutions like the Institution of Civil Engineers, the government denies the reality of these cuts. The recent Spring Budget for 2024 has significantly reduced Scotland's block grant funding by £1.6 billion over two years, posing far-reaching consequences for our economy and infrastructure. Westminster's dismissive attitude is alarming, considering the multiplier effect in industries like construction, where every £1 spent generates an additional £2 in spending. This £1.6 billion cut has a wider impact, depriving our economy of £3 billion. It's crucial to challenge the UK Government's narrative and ensure fair funding for Scotland, especially in crucial areas like infrastructure investment, to avoid undermining our economic prospects.


The crisis in Gaza demands urgent action, but the UK Government's response falls short. Despite the alarming death rate among Gaza's children highlighted in the recent IPC report, Westminster continues to avoid holding Israel accountable and instead sells arms to them. Last week, I challenged Secretary of State Andrew Mitchell on whether the UK Government has received legal advice regarding Israel's obstruction of aid to Gaza - what we all know is a clear violation of international law. However, the Minister's response lacked transparency and failed to address the issue adequately. It's crucial for Westminster to take decisive action to ensure aid reaches those in need and uphold international law in Gaza and beyond.

18th March 2024: A Week in Parliament


The UK Government and Labour continually to avoid saying that the actions by the Israeli Government in preventing aid getting into Gaza amounts to collective punishment. They refuse to say whether some of the population now starving to death is genocide. Yet the UK and the US are now trying to find ways to get round the Israeli blockade by building a temporary port to get aid in – this means they acknowledge the Palestinians are starving to death. Meanwhile, arms sales to Israel from the UK continue. Make these matters make sense.

Drug Deaths

It should go without saying, but of course, the drug deaths in Scotland are too high and every life lost is a tragedy. The Scottish Government has an unwavering and unshakeable commitment to the national mission to tackle drug deaths. Through the £250 million National Mission on Drugs, they are taking a wide range of measures and National Mission funds have now backed more than 300 grassroots projects. I am committed to continuing the expansion of residential rehabilitation capacity and driving MAT (Medication-Assisted Treatment) standards forward. Additionally, I support the delivery of drug-checking facilities as part of our comprehensive approach. This year, the Scottish Government has made a record £112 million available to local Alcohol and Drug Partnerships, demonstrating our dedication to addressing this critical issue. Having witnessed firsthand the remarkable work carried out by the Recovery Hub on a daily basis, I am deeply impressed by their dedication and impact on our community. Organisations like these play a pivotal role in our ongoing fight against these tragic deaths.

Land Reform

As MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, one of the most rural constituencies in the UK, I welcome the Scottish Government’s new land reform legislation aimed at transforming how land is owned and managed in our rural and island communities for the better. It is not right that ownership and control of much of Scotland's land remain concentrated in the hands of relatively few people. We envision a Scotland where there is a strong and dynamic relationship between its land and people. One of the key concerns we aim to address is the feeling of powerlessness experienced by individuals and communities when the land they live on is sold without prior warning and this legislation provides safeguards.


Really enjoyed attending the Forever and Ever podcast’s live event on Saturday. Along with 120 other diehards we had a great time and a good trip down memory lane. Well done to the guys from the pod who were able to secure Andy McLaren, Sammy Clingan and Lee Clark to attend the show. It was a trip down memory lane, and it was great to hear these guys talk all things Killie. There was also some fantastic live music from local musicians, and it was rounded off with an unbelievable Killie victory. The proverbial ‘game of two halves’ as the lads came from 2-0 down and scored five goals in a crazy 19-minute period. What a day. Next stop Europe? Or is it too soon to speak about that?