Visit to Admiral Casino - 28/1/22

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun visited the casino in his constituency on Friday (28th January).

The MP was given a tour of the premises and met with representatives from Admiral to discuss their recovery from the pandemic.

 The organisation has more than 230 stores UK wide that showcase casino and classic slot games available on both technologically advanced slot machines as well as traditional fruit machines. The group also own selected catering outlets, like the town’s popular Coffee Trader.

Mr Brown discussed with the team their recovery from covid, training initiatives and the importance of responsible gambling.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“It was great to meet with Kevin, Brian and Donna from Admiral. We had a good chat about a lot of important issues – primarily the organisation’s recovery from the pandemic and how they hope to grow.

“What stood out for me was the 16 members of staff they employ across both the casino and Coffee Trader. Also within that the educational progression that is available within certain roles. For example, Donna, who is a store manager and has taken part in licensed e-learning programmes through their Admiral Academy.

“I was glad to hear no redundancies were made throughout the course of the pandemic. I appreciate the sacrifices they made – like the rest of us – but it was great that no jobs were lost during this period of economic uncertainty. Hopefully, with restrictions being lifted they can continue to progress with some of the exciting ideas they have for the future.

“Of course, we had to discuss the importance of responsible gambling and the other issues that go with that. The team at Admiral were confident that within their premises it is the safest place to bets given the £2 maximum stake as well as other low price and stake gaming.”

Holocaust Memorial Day - 31/1/22

Alan Brown MP signs Holocaust Educational Trust Book of Commitment  

Last week (27th January) Alan Brown MP signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment, in doing so pledging his commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust as well as paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people today.

This year we are marking 77 years since the liberation of the concentration camps of Europe and the end of the Second World War. On the 27th of January, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, people across the globe will remember. 

In the lead up to and on Holocaust Memorial Day, thousands of commemorative events will be arranged by schools, faith groups and community organisations across the country, remembering all the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. The theme for this year’s commemorations is ‘One Day'.

After signing the Book of Commitment, Alan Brown MP commented: 

“Holocaust Memorial Day is an important opportunity for people from Kilmarnock and Loudoun to reflect on the darkest times of European history. As the Holocaust moves from living history, to history, it becomes ever more important that we take the time to remember the six million Jewish victims and also pay tribute to the survivors. We must also remember the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution of other groups and in all subsequent genocides."

Karen Pollock CBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: 

“As the Holocaust fades from living memory, it falls on all of us to ensure that their stories and the stories of the six Jewish million men, women and children brutally murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators, are never forgotten. We all have a duty to remember the Holocaust and to stand up against antisemitism and hate, now more than ever.”

PM Must Resign - 26/1/22


The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has called on Boris Johnson to resign as pressure builds on the Prime Minister over his rule-breaking boozy lockdown parties in Downing St. 

Alan Brown MP has accused the Prime Minister of the ‘ultimate betrayal’ over parties happening in Downing Street while the public made massive sacrifices as they followed the rules put in place. 

Polls released last week showed an overwhelming majority in support for his resignation, with nine in ten Scots believing he lied about allegations of parties occurring during lockdown. 

A YouGov/Sky News poll found that - excluding 'don't knows' - 67% of people across the UK believe Boris Johnson should resign. In Scotland, the number of people that think Johnson should resign rises to 79% - with only 21% thinking he should stay on. 

A separate Savanta ComRes survey revealed that 73% of people - excluding 'don't knows' - across the UK think Johnson should resign, as well as 42% of Tory voters in 2019. 

Commenting Mr Brown said: 

“People here in Kilmarnock and Loudoun are rightly furious that while they were diligently following the rules, Boris Johnson and his chums were having boozy parties in Downing Street. 

“This was the ultimate betrayal. People made massive sacrifices to defeat the virus, many died or watched loved ones die without being able to be next to them. They won’t forgive or forget. 

“There cannot be one rule for the Tories and another for the rest of us. The Prime Minister has demonstrated he is completely unfit for public office. 

“No one is believing his desperate excuses either, how could the man responsible for making the rules not know what was allowed and what wasn’t? He has lost any and all credibility. 

“The public now overwhelmingly support his removal from Downing Street and no amount of spin will change that. 

“He must resign immediately. If he doesn’t have the decency and integrity to do that then Tory MPs have a duty to remove him from office without further delay.” 

Kilmarnock Standard comments on PM - 20/1/22

“The Prime Minister’s position is simply untenable. When the rest of us made sacrifices, they partied in Downing Street – it’s one rule for them and another for the rest of us. 

“I have been contacted by constituents sharing their personal experience of not being able to spend time with loved ones, and in some cases being unable to say goodbye to them due to the restrictions that were in place. This is a massive slap in the face to them and it is completely unacceptable.

“For me, this is the final straw – it has to be. This is the Prime Minister who lied to the Queen and prorogued parliament. He oversaw the catastrophic Brexit deal and has reckless decisions all through the pandemic. How can he survive this?

“Bear in mind he illegally prorogues parliament; his Government have been found to have illegally awarded PPE contracts to their cronies and donors; he took a donation illegally for the refurbishment of No.10 Downing Street and he stuffs the Lords with Tory donors. He and his Government are corrupt to the core. 

“You have seen members of his front bench attacking the Scottish Conservative Leader, Douglas Ross, when he called for Johnson to resign. Describing him as “lightweight” and essentially irrelevant. Given this is what they think of their own Scottish representatives, this is proof of his attitude to Scotland. 

“We all know what Johnson really thinks of Scotland. ‘A pound spent in Croydon is of better value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde’ according to him.

“Once again the circus that is Westminster politics has reiterated to me that there is no doubt we can do better and the people of Scotland deserve better.”

Online Article

Free Bus Travel for Under-22s - 17/1/22



Alan Brown MP has welcomed the opening of the application process for free bus travel for young people, under the age of 22 years old, in Kilmarnock and Loudoun.

From today, all young people and children aged 5-21 years old in AREA can apply for their new or replacement National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot NEC to access the scheme from 31 January 2022. The scheme, extending free bus travel to everyone aged 22, builds on the Scottish Government’s commitment to providing free bus travel to all under-19’s in Scotland which started in August 2021.

The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has welcomed the initiative which is set to benefit around 930,000 young people across Scotland and pointed to research from Transport Scotland indicating that 70% of young people would use public transport more frequently if it was free.

The scheme will be delivered in partnership with Transport Scotland, the Improvement Service, the National Entitlement Card Programme Office (NECPO), Young Scot, local authorities and bus operators.

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

"I am delighted that applications are now open for young people in Kilmarnock and Loudoun, under the age of 22, to apply for free bus travel across the country. This is a hugely significant commitment from the Scottish Government that will benefit hundreds of thousands of young people across the country.

"Young people in the constituency are rightly challenging their elected representative to take bold actions to create a sustainable future for them and free bus travel is an example of what can be done to rise to this challenge.

"As Spokesperson for Energy & Climate Change, I welcome this initiative as we continue to take steps to combat the climate emergency. This also leaves more money in young people's pockets to spend on their education, work and leisure activities.

"Whilst we continue to live through the pandemic, we all recognise that essential travel must be prioritised, so I want to specifically encourage children and young people with essential journeys to apply now.

“The SNP Scottish Government is once again investing in our young people’s future, supporting them to have the best possible start in life and creating the fairer, greener Scotland that we want to build.”

Small Business Saturday - 10/12/22

Alan Brown MP visited several Kilmarnock based employers to celebrate Small Business Saturday.

Last week (4th December 2021) the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun paid tribute to the many small businesses in the constituency as part of the annual event.

Small Business Saturday is a grassroots, non-commercial campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to shop local and support small businesses in their communities.

Just last month, the MP welcomed the tour to Kilmarnock town centre to raise awareness of the event.

In advance of the date itself, Mr Brown visited 123abc as well as Prestige & Lash Academy – and on the day of Small Business Saturday, he popped into Hard Luck Tattoo and The Cheesecake Guy. All businesses were based in either Titchfield Street or High Glencairn Street in Kilmarnock.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“It was great to celebrate Small Business Saturday once again. It is an event I have taken part in every year as MP. Of course, last year was much more difficult given the restrictions, however this year it was good to get back out and visit some employers.

“Previously, I have visited Galston, Stewarton and other areas in Kilmarnock to celebrate Small Business Saturday, but this year all the shops were essentially right next to my office! However, this conveys the range of local businesses in such a small area of the town. To visit; a beautician’s, tattoo parlour, desert store and a baby furniture shop personified the range of local employers.

“It was fascinating to hear the start-up stories, but what really stuck out was that for many it was not just about working for themselves, it was very much about creating and giving opportunities to others – particularly young people.

“With the build-up to Christmas well and truly upon us, now is the perfect time to go out and support small businesses within our constituency and give the local economy a boost.

"It is important to celebrate small businesses and the integral part they play in our community – they are about far more than profit. They provide much-needed services and goods; they offer employment and training; they boost the local economy, and they have a major role in rebuilding our town centres.

“I want to give a massive thanks to Angela, Rebecca (123abc), Justina (Prestige), Niky, Marti (Hard Luck) and Rob (Cheesecake Guy) for taking the time to chat with me. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for these businesses!”