Andrew Bowie Failing to Stand Up for North East - 12/3/23


SNP Energy spokesperson, Alan Brown MP, has accused Tory MP, Andrew Bowie, of failing to stand up for communities across the North East while prioritising ‘expensive and unnecessary’ nuclear stations over carbon capture storage (CCS) and renewable energy.

In a letter to Bowie, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, Mr Brown expressed concerns over updated costs to nuclear station Hinckley Point C - now slated to cost the taxpayers £33 billion, a 40% real terms increase to the original 2016 estimate of £18 billion.

Despite the soaring costs it was revealed earlier this week the UK government has not engaged with EDF over what that means for the delivery of the project, while still pressing ahead for another new station at Sizewell C.

Mr Brown called on the UK government to support Scottish Government efforts to secure a just transition, demanded a Tory U-turn on their snub to the CCS Acorn Project in the North East, and for the Tories to scrap plans to throw another £33bn at Sizewell C.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP said:

“Rather than supporting efforts to herald in a just transition for the tens of thousands reliant on the energy sector in his own patch, Andrew Bowie and his Tory UK government is instead prioritising expensive and unnecessary nuclear stations that won’t even open until at least 2028.

“With his warped priorities he’s failing to stand up for the communities in the North East who won’t benefit from nuclear energy, and have directly suffered from the UK government’s carbon capture snub.

“Scotland is an energy rich nation, and that means it is essential that the UK government match the Scottish Government’s commitment to harness that energy in a clean and renewable way while securing jobs – nothing Bowie is doing supports that.

“The North East CCS Acorn Project will cost a fraction of the £33 billion the Tories now want to commit for Sizewell C – they must reverse their snub of the plant and put money on the table to support North East energy jobs.

“But it’s not just CCS – green hydrogen production, pumped storage hydro, energy efficiency measures and battery storage are just some of the things taxpayers cash would be better focussed on.

“Time and time again the North East has been let down by the Tory UK government, proving beyond a doubt that only with the full powers of independence can we direct the right investment, and put an end to the warped priorities of the Tories.”  

Budget Support - 9/3/23


The Chancellor must use next week’s budget to tackle the Tory-made cost of living crisis harming households across Kilmarnock and Loudoun local MP, Alan Brown has said.

Polling carried out by Survation in partnership with campaign group 38Degrees revealed the stark impact of rising costs imposed on households in recent months, with findings showing in Kilmarnock and Loudoun:

• 20% of people have missed rent payments in the last six months

• 49% haven't been able to afford to turn the heating on

• 30% fear they may have to use a foodbank

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

“All eyes are on next week’s budget to see what support is on offer to assist households through a cost of living crisis of the Tories’ making.

“People and families in my constituency are suffering from a toxic mix of inflation, soaring energy costs, rising mortgage rates, and Tory austerity and cannot afford continued inaction from the UK government.

“If the Chancellor wants to provide he can start by cutting the Energy Price Guarantee to £2000 and maintaining the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme to the summer, a move that would save households £1,400.

“The fact 20% of my constituents are missing rent payments, almost half are living without heating through the cold months, and 30% are relying on foodbanks is a disgrace that should shame the Tories into taking serious action - but I won't hold my breath.

“These figures have soared, like costs, under Westminster Tory rule and we’re unlikely to see what families desperately need from a party that throughout its existence has lacked the political will to help the most vulnerable.

"In Scotland we've used our limited powers to support households, including with the introduction of the Scottish Child payment, described as 'game-changing' by leading charities. But it shouldn't be for the SNP Scottish Government to constantly have to mitigate the worst of Tory rule.

“The impact of the Tory-made cost of living crisis has set out further proof that only with the full powers of independence can we offer real support through difficult times and secure just economic prosperity that works for everyone in our society.”


Energy Price Cap - 27/2/23


Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is being urged to reverse a planned increase to the government energy price guarantee and pass on a 20% reduction in wholesale energy prices after Ofgem published its reduced price cap.

The energy regulator announced that the new cap from April will be £3,280, down from £4,279. However, bills are still set to increase as the UK government-imposed cap is set to rise from £2,500 to £3,000 a year.

That is also despite wholesale gas prices dropping by 75% since their peak in the summer. The SNP is calling on the Chancellor to pass on this price drop to consumers by reducing its energy price guarantee cap by 20% to £2,000.

Commenting, SNP Energy spokesperson Alan Brown MP said:

“People across Scotland will be scratching their heads as their energy bills are set to go up, despite the price cap coming down. Jeremy Hunt must pass on the reduction in wholesale gas prices to consumers and bring down the government’s cap on bills to £2,000 per year.

“The UK government will actually be spending less on the energy price guarantee because of the reduction in the Ofgem cap, so households should be seeing the impact of that on their energy bills. Instead, the Chancellor is planning on keeping the surplus whilst energy bills skyrocket again.

“In a country as energy rich as Scotland, people should not be paying through the nose for their gas and electricity bills. It is only because of decades of Westminster mismanagement of Scotland’s resources that this has happened.

“Only with independence can we truly harness the potential of Scotland’s renewable energy industry and for the people of Scotland to benefit from our resources.”

Household Energy Bills - 19/2/23

The SNP has repeated calls for the UK government to slash household energy bills by at least twenty per cent as energy company profits continue to soar.

British Gas owners, Centrica, became the latest firm to announce huge profits in 2022, tripling the £948m it made in 2021 to make £3.3bn.

It comes as BP, Shell, Exxon and other major energy companies report record profits – and the Tory government refuses to expand the windfall tax or follow the lead of other countries in taxing the billions of pounds funnelled through share buybacks.

Despite the profits, households' energy bills are set to rise, with the UK government planning to increase the cost of the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) by 20% from £2,500 to £3,000, for typical annual consumption.

In March, the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme, a crucial lifeline for struggling households, will also be scrapped.

Commenting, the SNP’s Energy and Industrial Strategy spokesperson, Alan Brown MP said:

“Despite living in an energy-rich country, people in Scotland are being forced to pay through the teeth thanks to Tory inaction and greed, demonstrating exactly why we need the full powers of independence.

“The Tories have it in their power to significantly cut energy bills and relieve the financial strain placed on households through their cost of living crisis, but have instead allowed millions of families to suffer all while energy companies post record profits.

“Shareholders are raking in billions of pounds and yet energy bills are set to rise even further. The Tories must stop this from happening, cut bills by at least 20% and continue the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme.

“The funds to issue support to those struggling with the worst of this crisis are there, all that’s lacking is the political will from the Tories to enact it – a recurring theme throughout their rule.

“Scotland must not be forced to pay for the Tories’ callous policies and warped priorities – we must obtain the full powers of independence so we can properly support those who need it most, reverse Tory economic failures, and return to the path towards economic prosperity.” 


Nicola Sturgeon Resignation - 15/2/23

I was asked to comment on the First Minister’s resignation by the local press.

These comments are copied below:

"“I was as shocked as anyone when the news broke about the First Minister resigning. I am gutted she has decided to step down from the role she carried out with such grace and dignity. But as she referenced in her press conference, she is a human being at the end of the day - and serving as FM and party leader since November 2014 will have been extremely tiring and stressful.

“I commend her for her leadership over the last eight years and her service to the party for more than 30 years.

“She was a true leader in every sense of the word – personified through overseeing some of the most unprecedented times in our country’s history, namely the covid pandemic.

“As well as being strong and courageous in her leadership, I feel she changed the dynamic of mainstream party leaders. She was everything that her Westminster-elite opposition wasn't: transparent, personable and forward-thinking. At the point of resignation, she was still, by far,  the most popular leader of any political party in the UK.

“Nicola will be sorely missed but I wish her well and look forward to her still being a force and fighting for change from the backbenches at Holyrood.”

FND Awareness - 8/2/23

Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun joined FND Hope UK’s inaugural Parliamentary Awareness Day on Wednesday, to discuss the action needed to deliver better care and support for those living with FND in the UK.

FND is a neuropsychiatric condition estimated to currently impacted between 50,000 and 100,000¹ adults and up to 20,000 young adults under the age of 16 in the UK². The condition is characterised by a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body send and receive signals. The disruption to the signals is like letters being sent to the wrong address, despite having the correct label.

FND patients live with life-changing symptoms, similar to Parkinson’s Disease and long-term disability comparable to that with MS³⁴⁵⁶. Historically it has been a marginalised illness, often falling down the gap between the artificial divide between neurology and psychiatry.

FND Hope UK recently surveyed, through a Freedom of Information request, all of the Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health Boards in the UK as to their current provision of multidisciplinary rehabilitation for people with FND. The charity found that 50% of UK health boards had no specific agreement to treat FND.

This means that people living with FND may not have access to the care and treatment they need, because of where they live.

FND Hope UK held the inaugural Parliamentary Awareness Day to highlight these issues and discuss what can be done to better support the FND community with Members of Parliament.

The MP also signed up to the charity’s declaration, committing to support steps towards:

1. A dedicated FND care pathway at every UK neuroscience centre, which reflects the National Neurosciences Advisory Group (NNAG) optimal care pathway

2. The development of FND guidelines by both NICE and SIGN, to ensure consistent care is available across the country

3. Increased training in FND for healthcare professionals, to raise awareness of FND signs and symptoms and ultimately improve diagnosis 

Attending the inaugural Parliamentary Awareness Day, Mr Brown said:

“I am delighted to have learnt more about FND Hope UK’s work towards a dedicated FND care pathway at every UK neuroscience centre and have the opportunity to hear directly from people living with FND about the impact the condition has.

“I was staggered to hear it affects up to 100,000 adults and 20,000 young adults in the UK. Those affected can experience life-changing symptoms similar to Parkinson’s Disease and long-term disability comparable to that of MS.

“When I shared this on Facebook, a constituent got in touch to say that she has been diagnosed with FND and it meant a lot to her that this drop in was taking place. It just goes to show how much this really means to so many people - we must do everything we can to play our part and raise awareness.”

World Cancer Day - 8/2/22

Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun marked World Cancer Day at a special Cancer Research UK event at Westminster this week about the future of cancer care. 

Taking place on the 4th February each year, World Cancer Day is an international initiative which inspires individuals and communities to unite against the disease.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun met with researchers about the life-saving work taking place in labs across the UK, along with the charity’s volunteer ambassadors who share their experiences of cancer to help inspire and inform the decision-makers who can make a real difference to how the disease is tackled in the UK.

World Cancer Day also saw the end of Cancer Research UK’s 20th anniversary year. The charity has been holding events over the last 12 months to celebrate the progress made in beating cancer, thanks to the long-term dedication of its supporters and campaigners.

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

 “We’ve come a long way in the fight against cancer, but there’s so much further to go. The research charities such as Cancer Research UK fund is vital to help unlock new and better ways to beat the disease, but it’s also crucial that politicians work together to ensure the patients of today and tomorrow have the best possible chance of survival.”

Head of Public Affairs at Cancer Research UK, Shaun Walsh, said the support of parliamentarians is key to help transform the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer across the UK.

He added:

“The theme of World Cancer Day this year is closing the care gap and it’s never resonated more loudly, because beating cancer means beating it for everyone.

“Whether it’s helping to prevent 4 in 10 cancers by backing measures such as our #SmokefreeUK campaign, or ensuring Governments have dedicated, long-term plans for tackling cancer, politicians can make a big difference – days like this are important reminders we all need to work together to beat cancer.”

2021/22 Expenses comments - 6/2/23

I was asked to comment on my expenses of 2021/22 by the Cumncok Chronicle.

These comments are copied below:

“The only notable trend is that of travel and this is pretty straightforward. With the pandemic, we were not travelling to London often and working from home for the most part. It is clear that the cost for 21/22 is in line with most years pre-covid and the reason 20/21 is so low is as a result of physically not being able to travel due to the lockdowns.

 “I do my best to get value for money on travel. However, anyone who regularly commutes to London will also be aware that post covid, travel costs - particularly on the trains - is more expensive than pre covid times.

 “All expenses occurred for travel, accommodation and operation of the constituency office are of course claimed in accordance with the rules set by the independent overseeing body, IPSA.”



Holocaust Memorial Day - 26/1/23

This week, Alan Brown MP signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment, in doing so pledging his commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day.

By signing the book, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun is honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust as well as paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people today.

Holocaust Memorial Day falls on 27th January every year, the anniversary of the liberation of the infamous former Nazi concentration and death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, in 1945. Across the UK – and the world – people will come together to remember the horrors of the past.

In the lead-up to and on Holocaust Memorial Day, thousands of commemorative events will be arranged by schools, faith groups and community organisations across the country, remembering all the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. The theme for this year’s commemorations is ‘Ordinary People’.

On Holocaust Memorial Day we also remember and pay tribute to all of those persecuted by the Nazis, including Roma and Sinti people, disabled people, gay men, political opponents of the Nazis and others. We also remember all of those affected by genocide since, in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

After signing the Book of Commitment, Alan Brown MP commented:

“Holocaust Memorial Day is an important opportunity for people from Kilmarnock and Loudoun, as well as further afield, to reflect on the darkest times of European history.

“By signing the book I pledge to remember the six million Jewish men, women and children who were murdered in the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution of other groups and in all subsequent genocides.

“As the Holocaust moves from living memory to history, we must ensure we never forget the horror these people endured and mark this significant day. “

Also commenting, Karen Pollock CBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said:

“On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the six million men, women and children who were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators, simply for being Jewish, and we pay tribute to the incredible survivors, many of whom still share their testimony day in and day out to ensure that future generations never forget the horrors of the past. We also remember that antisemitism did not start or end with the Holocaust, we must all be vigilant, and speak out whenever it is found.”

Cervical Cancer Awareness Week - 23/1/23

Alan Brown MP supports campaign to end cervical cancer in the UK

This Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (23rd-29th January), Alan Brown MP is supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust as they call for action to eliminate cervical cancer in the UK.

Cervical cancer currently kills two women in the UK every day and the charity is calling for action, innovation, and awareness to help end cervical cancer.

Mr Brown is supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, by encouraging women in Kilmarnock and Loudoun to attend their cervical screening when invited, and by supporting the efforts of the HPV immunisation programme. 

Cervical screening coverage in Ayrshire & Arran is just 71.8% for women meaning that almost a quarter of local women do not attend their screening when invited.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said: “It’s really exciting that we have the opportunity to effectively consign a form of cancer to the history books. Cervical screening and HPV vaccines can both help prevent cervical cancer, and I would encourage everyone who can, to make use of these amazing cancer prevention tools.

“Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust recognises that attending a screening isn’t always easy, but they are there for you with information and support if you ever need them.”  

“In its latest report, the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity found that only 17% of health professionals working across cervical cancer prevention think enough is currently being done to eliminate cervical cancer in the UK. Only 20% think enough is being done to ensure high levels of HPV vaccine uptake, and just 16% believe that enough is being done to support cervical screening uptake.

Samantha Dixon, Chief Executive at Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust said: “A world without cervical cancer doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. The UK has the tools to make it a reality which is incredibly exciting. We need Government action to get there as soon as possible, but everyone can play their part. Going for cervical screening when invited, and making sure your child is vaccinated against HPV, will help make cervical cancer a thing of the past.

“We must also continue to invest in research, improve access to treatments, and banish the stigma and blame that too often comes with a cervical cancer diagnosis. Being forward-looking should not mean those living with and beyond cancer get left behind.”

To get involved with Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and the #WeCan End Cervical Cancer campaign, follow Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust on social media or visit the website at 

Onthank Street Surgery - 19/1/23

This week (Friday 27th January) Alan Brown MP will be hosting a Street Surgery in the Onthank area of Kilmarnock.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun will be joined by his staff as well as Local Councillor for Kilmarnock North, Elaine Cowan.

The elected members and staff will be chapping constituent's doors in; Craufurdland Road, Kingswell Avenue and Crofthead Avenue from 1.30 – 4.30 pm on Friday 27th January.

Residents of these streets will have received a letter from the office of Alan Brown MP notifying them of his presence in the area this coming Friday. 

The MP aims to hit more than 200 doors in his first Street Surgery of the New Year.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I am really looking forward to getting out and chapping doors in Onthank this week.

“My last Street Surgery, back in August, was a success and this will become a regular feature in my constituency engagement again.

“It is estimated we will hit around 220 doors as I look to engage with constituents on their doorstep. It is beneficial to get out there and talk to people about real issues that are affecting their life, both locally and nationally - I am trying to get away from the stigma that politicians only chap doors at election time.

“For constituents in need of assistance with any matter dealt with at Westminster such as social security, employment or immigration issues, I will do all I can to help. For devolved issues such as education, health and housing then it may be more appropriate to contact your local Councillor or Member of the Scottish Parliament.

“I am well aware that some residents will be at work or not at home, therefore, we will be posting leaflets with my contact information and details of my next surgery.

“This is important as it shows my constituents I am always accessible and they can get in touch at any time for assistance.”

Pension Credit Deadline - 9/12/22

Low-income pensioners should act quickly to claim extra cost of living payment

Alan Brown MP backs Age Scotland’s Pension Credit 18 December deadline warning as low-income pensioners urged to apply for extra £324 cost of living payment 

Mr Brown and Age Scotland are urging low-income pensioners in Kilmarnock and Loudoun to act quickly and put in a claim for Pension Credit before the Sunday 18 December 2022 deadline, to avoid losing out on an extra £324 cost of living payment.

Age Scotland estimates that around 1,967 older people could miss out in Kilmarnock and Loudoun if they do not claim for pension credit by the deadline this week.

The national charity for older people, Age Scotland, can help identify if someone is eligible for Pension Credit and offer advice on applying by calling their helpline on 0800 12 44 222, where advisers can carry out a full benefits check, or check eligibility online at

Pension Credit provides pensioners on a low income with extra money and other helpful support. It can top up their weekly income to £182.60 if they are single, and £278.70 if they are making a joint claim with a partner, as well as cutting council tax bills, helping with energy costs, and a free TV licence if they are over the age of 75.

Anyone who makes a successful Pension Credit application to the Department for Work and Pensions before 18 December will also be entitled to a £324 lump sum financial support payment. This is because a claim for Pension Credit can be backdated for up to three months, provided the entitlement conditions are met throughout that time.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“With growing numbers of older people in Scotland struggling to cope with the rising cost of living, there has never been a more important time to make sure you are receiving everything you are entitled to.

“Every year in Scotland hundreds of millions of pounds in social security payments go unclaimed by older people due to a lack of awareness, difficultly in accessing them, stigma surrounding benefits or just not knowing where to turn for help.

“I’d encourage my constituents to call Age Scotland’s helpline to find out if they are entitled to it or make an application directly to the UK Government as soon as you can.”

Michelle Supple, Age Scotland's interim chief executive, said:

“Pension Credit is not only an essential benefit, but it opens the door to much more additional support including help with energy bills in the winter, a free TV licence for over-75s, help with rent and council tax reduction, free dental care and reduced water bills.

“We are urging all pensioners on a low income to act quickly and start the application process or call our helpline 0800 12 44 222 for advice. We don’t want to see anyone miss out on extra cost of living support, especially with Christmas around the corner.”

Press Release: Food Waste - 11/11/22

Alan Brown MP: Deliver 100 million meals to those worst affected by the cost of living crisis 

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has written to the Prime Minister, calling on the Government to redirect surplus food to those worst affected by the cost of living crisis.

Westminster could deliver 100 million meals worth of food that is currently going to waste on farms and fields in the UK directly to communities and people that are struggling.

Food prices are rising faster than at any time during the last 14 years and 13.7 million people across the UK are food insecure, a figure that has more than doubled since the start of the pandemic. 

Yet recent figures show that 2.9 million tonnes of good-to-eat food go to waste every year on our farms and in our factories.

Funding that previously supported surplus food redistribution has been axed and calls to renew it have been rejected. Mr Brown is supporting FareShare, the UK’s largest food redistribution charity, in calling for this funding to be reinstated.

The charity has joined 57 MPs from across the house in signing a letter that was handed into Downing Street this week. The letter is part of FareShare’s Cost of Living Crisis Appeal, which asks the government to invest £25 million a year in surplus food redistribution, which would make it cost-neutral for farmers to pick, package and transport their unsold surplus food to charity, rather than wasting it.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“No one wants to see good food go to waste, especially at a time when demand is so high. Voluntary organisations locally are under a significant amount of pressure at the moment, and are seeing an unprecedented level of demand for their services.

“For a comparatively small amount of money, supporting food redistribution from farms would have a significant impact, with 100 million meals going to those who need it. Good food should be used to feed people rather than being wasted.”

Lindsay Boswell, CEO of FareShare, added:

“In Kilmarnock and Loudoun last year, FareShare redistributed the equivalent of 273,300 meals via 15 local organisations. As a result of the cost of living crisis we have seen demand skyrocket, and we don’t have enough food to meet this demand. That’s why we launched the Cost of Living Crisis Appeal, so we can get more food to the communities that need it.

“As a charity, we rely on the generosity of our partners in the food industry, fundraisers, and volunteers, but we also need the government to act immediately. At a time of so much need, it is wrong there is so much waste. I’m incredibly grateful to Alan for helping us raise this issue at the centre of government.”

East Ayrshire households suffering from Brexit - 9/11/22



Households and businesses in Kilmarnock and Loudoun are being made to suffer from the worst of the Tories’ botched Brexit Alan Brown MP has warned, after a top business leader slammed Brexit and said there is ‘no evidence’ of the promised dividend to businesses across the country.

 Households in East Ayrshire face a shortfall of £1,011 a year as a result of the Tories’ Brexit, prompting renewed calls from Alan Brown MP for Scottish independence as a means to escape Tory Brexit chaos and rejoin the EU.

Shevaun Haviland, director-general of the British Chambers of Commerce, told Bloomberg that Rishi Sunak should pursue a veterinary agreement to remove checks on food products, something that has hammered Scotland’s world-class food and drink sector.

Ms Haviland also called for changes to the visa system for skilled workers from Europe to work in the UK to fill the gaps in the labour market caused by Brexit.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“Again, we have even more confirmation that Brexit doesn’t work, at the expense of households and businesses here in Kilmarnock and Loudoun.

“Businesses in my constituency have taken a hammer blow because of Brexit and continue to suffer as a result, the only way they and the rest of Scotland can flourish is by escaping Brexit and becoming an independent country back in the European Union.

“Scotland’s economy has suffered the double whammy of leaving the EU and the Tory-made cost of living crisis. Last week we learned that Scottish exports had nose-dived by 13% since Brexit.

“However, there is no way back to the EU under Westminster control with Labour signed up as a fully-fledged Brexit party. No matter the economic consequences, Labour will keep Scotland out of the European Union, a market seven times the size of the UK.

“Meanwhile countries of a similar size to us continue to outperform the UK. That is why it is only with independence that Scotland can unleash its full potential by re-joining the European Union.”

Dogs Trust (Kept Animals Bill) - 3/11/22

Last week Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun attended an event organised by Dogs Trust at the House of Commons where the charity called on the Government to take urgent action to end the cruel practice of Puppy Smuggling. MPs were invited to discuss with the charity how they can work together to end the illegal trade by ensuring the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill is passed by Parliament. The charity is also calling for the Government to include visual checks at the borders in its plan to put a stop to the cruel trade once and for all.

The Kept Animals Bill includes provisions to tackle abuse of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS), which the charity has been exposing since 2014. Through five undercover investigations, Dogs Trust has revealed the falsifying of documents to import underage puppies, often unvaccinated and in poor welfare conditions, which go on to be sold to unsuspecting buyers in the UK. However, having been introduced to Parliament in 2021, the Bill has not progressed any further through the Parliamentary process since last November.

During this time, puppies and pregnant dogs continue to be smuggled into the UK on an industrial scale. Coupled with the lack of progress of the Bill, the proposed secondary legislation to tackle the trade, to be introduced under the Kept Animals Bill, does not include a requirement for visual checks of dogs being transported across international borders, a measure the charity believes is crucial if the Bill is to be successful in tackling the trade.

An interactive station at the event illustrated the importance of introducing visual checks at the borders. The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun experienced the documentary and identity check currently in operation at the border, and the charity was able to demonstrate some of the tactics smugglers employ to avoid detection and explain why adding a visual check to this process is crucial to tackling the trade.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP said:

“I was shocked to learn about the horrendous ways puppies are smuggled into the UK and the poor conditions they endure. I hope that Dogs Trust’s campaign will motivate the Government to progress with the Kept Animals Bill and to include their recommendation of including a requirement to carry out a visual check on dogs entering the country, as this will be a key factor in bringing about the end of Puppy Smuggling.”

At the event sponsored by Dr Neil Hudson, MP for Penrith and The Border, MPs also took part in a photo opportunity where they pledged to work collaboratively with Dogs Trust to end Puppy Smuggling.

Dr Neil Hudson MP, who is a member of the Dogs Trust Puppy Smuggling Parliamentary Taskforce said:

“Dogs Trust is continuing to call for support in changing the legislation to ensure that all dogs imported into Great Britain are done so legally. For this legislation to be successful in its aim of tackling the Puppy Smuggling trade, it is vital that the requirement to carry out a visual check on dogs being imported is introduced. This is a key factor that will disrupt the industry once and for all. I’m proud to be part of the Puppy Smuggling Taskforce and I urge my fellow MPs to support Dogs Trust’s work and their call for the Government to pass the Kept Animals Bill through the parliamentary process without delay.”

Paula Boyden, Dogs Trust Veterinary Director says:

“Dogs Trust has spent eight years exposing this abhorrent trade and our investigations have revealed that puppy smugglers remain undeterred and are continuing to bring in thousands of underage puppies and pregnant dogs, often in the most dreadful conditions, which do not provide for their needs. “We are grateful to all the MPs who support our work to combat this problem, and we hope that the Government will hasten to progress the Kept Animals Bill and act on our recommendations to include the requirement to carry out a visual check on all dogs entering the country because without them, there is no chance of ending this horrifying trade.”

Dementia diagnosis - 27/10/22

Alan Brown MP calls for improvements in dementia diagnosis in Kilmarnock and Loudoun

Alan Brown MP has called for action to increase the number of people with dementia who receive an accurate and timely diagnosis.

Attending a parliamentary event in the House of Commons on 25th October 2022, Mr Brown highlighted the importance of prompt diagnosis to enable people with dementia and their carers to receive the support they need.

Organised for the Front of Mind campaign, a joint initiative between Roche UK and tide (together in dementia everyday), the event saw MPs discuss findings of a new report, Levelling up dementia diagnosis, which found that 43% of people with dementia remain undiagnosed.

In Kilmarnock and Loudoun, it is estimated that 1,395 people are living with dementia, 1.44% of the population, and there around 1,046 unpaid carers.

The report by Future Health, which was commissioned and funded by Roche in partnership with York Health Economics Consortium, also found that diagnosis rates vary markedly across the country from 83% to 47%, while people in rural areas and those from ethnic minorities face particular barriers to accessing services they need.

Commenting, Mr Brown MP said:

“Without a confirmed, accurate diagnosis of dementia, people will struggle to access medical and social interventions that could ease their symptoms and support their unpaid carers. We need to set out the steps to tackle the unfair variations that exist across the country in the diagnosis pathway.”

During the event, Mr Brown explored the impact of dementia in his constituency through an interactive data mapping dashboard. He also spoke to representatives from tide, before photos were taken with a pledge to keep diagnosis for dementia front of mind.

Sam Bolam, Chief Executive of tide added:

“It’s really encouraging to see MPs come together to discuss the impact of underdiagnosis on people with dementia. Too often, receiving dementia support is a postcode lottery, and we want to ensure everybody affected by dementia can access vital services – regardless of where they live.”

Kodi Blois MP - 27/10/22

Alan Brown meets Canadian MP with connection to Kilmarnock

Last week (Wednesday 26th October), Alan Brown MP met a Canadian MP with a special connection to Kilmarnock.

Despite being 2,645 miles across the water, MP Kody Blois has an extraordinary association with Kilmarnock - that being his wife, Kim, who hails from the town.

Mr Blois is a 31-year-old Canadian MP for the Liberal Party and was elected in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election at the age of just 28 – he married Kim in July 2022.

Blois was part of a Canadian delegation who were visiting Westminster but personally reached out to Mr Brown in advance in the hope to meet the elected member of his wife’s hometown.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I was delighted to meet Kody and it was remarkable to hear that his wife, Kim, comes from Kilmarnock and his father-in-law still stays in the town - it really is a small world we live in.

“Kody told me he and Kim’s marriage took place in Cape Breton, an area with close links to Scotland and a strong traditional music scene – he even got married in a kilt!

“Unfortunately, we didn't have more time but it was good to make introductions. He told me, before becoming an MP, he was lucky enough to get a tour of Holyrood with Willie Coffey MSP. Presumably, he has always been interested in politics and that wasn't what inspired him to become an elected MP!

“We both attended a roundtable event with the Canadian delegation meeting with members of the APPG on Frozen Pensions – which I am part of as Pensions Spokesperson. Sadly, more than 125,000 UK (or dual nationals) living in Canada have had their UK pensions frozen at historical levels - even though Canada uprates the pensions of their citizens here.

He added:

“The Canadian Government have also offered the UK Government to enter into a "reciprocal arrangement' to end this unjust system. We also heard that UK nationals in the United States do receive full uprated pensions. This shows the unfairness of the current pensions policy- if you live on one side of Niagara Falls you get full assistance. On the other side, your pension is frozen relative to when you qualified for it.

“On a brighter note, I look forward to keeping in contact with Kody and hopefully will see him on future visits.”

MP supports Royal Mail workers - 27/10/22


Alan Brown MP has called on the Royal Mail to 'stop the threats of job cuts to valued postal workers and 'engage meaningfully' with the Communications Worker Union to find an acceptable solution to prevent further postal strikes. 

In a joint letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Royal Mail, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun told the Royal Mail Chief that it is "unacceptable to see the language employed by Royal Mail in threatening its workforce with job losses because they dare to ask for a fair work package."

Postal workers across Kilmarnock and Loudoun were on strike last week (Tuesday 25th October) and have several more strike days planned early next month, from the 2nd of November to the 4th of November.

Recently, the Royal Mail's announced its intention to slash 10,000 jobs, citing the strike action and low parcel delivery sales as the reason. Alan Brown MP has called this move a 'tactic in the ongoing pay dispute with postal workers' and has accused Royal Mail of 'acting in bad faith'.

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

"Postal workers across my constituency are struggling to make ends meet in the face of the cost-of-living crisis while Royal Mail shareholders benefited from bumper profits in the millions.

"It is understandable that postal workers find the argument that there isn't money for them to have a fair wage unpalatable when there are millions of pounds of profit for shareholders, who should share the burden – when hard working postal staff are struggling to put food on their table this winter.

"Royal Mail staff in Kilmarnock and Loudoun and their families need financial security. The decision to strike will not have been easy for any of them, but this is about more than pay; it is also about protecting the universal mail service we all expect and value.

"Royal Mail need to get back to the negotiating table – in a meaningful way – and put our communities at the heart of discussions."

Energy Advice Surgery - 13/10/22

Next week (Friday 28th October), Alan Brown MP will be hosting a special energy advice pop-up surgery in Kilmarnock.

The SNP Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change will be at Celebrate Kilmarnock on King Street for the event with the ongoing cost of living crisis being a major issue for everyone.

Mr Brown will be joined by representatives from Citizens Advice Scotland, EA Money and Home Energy Scotland, who will be on hand to assist constituents with concerns over their energy bills.

The surgery will be a drop-in event and open to all constituents - no appointment is necessary.

Commenting ahead of the event, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“Due to the ongoing cost of living crisis and the level of enquiries my office has been dealing with I wanted to hold a special surgery focusing on this matter.

“I have been raising the issue of the cost of living for some time and now we are only just seeing the devastating effects this is having on so many people. Businesses, small and large, ordinary people and the most vulnerable in our society are all facing the brunt of these astronomical costs.

“I know that times are tough, and I am concerned that my constituents may not be able to access all of the support that is available to them during the ongoing energy crisis. I have heard first-hand that constituents are struggling to pay energy bills and it is important that we work with local agencies to ensure that the right support is in place.

“I am encouraging elderly constituents to check if they are eligible for pension credit as this gets them additional support over and above the credit payment itself.

“My office has sent out letters to targeted residential areas and delivered posters all over the constituency to try and get spread the word as much as possible – keep an eye on my social media for further updates in the lead-up to the event.

“In the meantime, if constituents require any assistance or more information they should contact my office.”

11708 local households to be hit by largest ever real terms benefit cut - 13/10/22


Alan Brown MP has said the austerity threat to families in Kilmarnock and Loudoun shows why independence for Scotland is so crucial, following stark warnings on the impact of real terms benefits cuts in the area.

11708 households in the constituency are set to be subjected to the largest real-terms permanent benefits cut in a single year, if Tory plans to uprate benefits in line with earnings rather than inflation come to fruition, according to analysis from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).

Contrasting the approach to the cost of living crisis between the SNP Scottish Government and Conservative UK government, Alan Brown MP said Scots households were being punished under the Tories austerity agenda, with the Scottish Parliaments efforts to tackle poverty being consistently undermined by Westminster.

Commenting, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“The latest Westminster Tory austerity threat facing 11708 households here in Kilmarnock and Loudoun goes to show exactly why independence is so crucial as a means to escape the callous Conservatives once and for all. 

“Amidst a brutal cost of living crisis local families and households are set to be hammered by the largest permanent benefits cut in a single year ever, imposed by a party seemingly focused alone on making their mega-rich friends even richer.

“Their approach could not be more at odds on this crisis with the Scottish Government, who’ve just uprated eight benefits as well as increasing the Scottish Child Payment and doubled the four annual bridging payments.

“Sadly however that is work that is being completely undermined by Westminster Tories who seem determined to consign millions more to extreme poverty and destitution. 

“Households in Kilmarnock and Loudoun can no longer afford the rising price of Westminster rule and must be able to escape with the full powers of independence.”