Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)

Last week I was elected as a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) - an influential body representing over 92,000 civil engineers and technicians across the world who design, build and maintain our transport, water, energy, waste and flood infrastructure. My fellowship certificate was presented by ICE President Lord Robert Mair at a special ceremony held at ICE’s headquarters in Westminster, London. 

I was very honoured to receive the Fellowship of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). I am proud to be part of a profession that contributes to transform people’s lives for the better.

Having graduated from Glasgow University with an Honours degree in Civil Engineering I worked in both the public and private sector for 21 years as a principal engineer before resigning to take up the position as MP for the Kilmarnock and Loudoun constituency.

My career highlight was being a hydraulic engineer for the Ayr sewerage scheme which was designed to clean up the bathing beach.  Doing work to improve my local area was really rewarding. As an aside it was being a member of the EU which made the UK stop discharging raw sewerage onto the bathing beach.  I saw first-hand how the UK government didn’t want to comply but were forced to spend the money.  Hopefully we don’t return to being the dirtiest man in Europe as far as clean beaches go. 

As Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infrastructure I am also pleased to be able to continue to support the work of engineers and highlight the importance of infrastructure, engineering to the economy and society, and to hear from experts on emerging priorities.

ICE Scotland regional director Sara Thiam said: “The ICE was pleased to extend a Presidential Invitation for Fellowship to Alan Brown MP, recognising both his work as a civil engineer and in championing the importance of civil engineering in Parliament. Alan joins the ICE as a Fellow at a significant time for the ICE – our bicentenary year. We are proud to celebrate his contribution to the profession, demonstrating how civil engineers transform people’s lives for the better and safeguard the future for their families.”

Closer to home, it is my intention to support the work of Kilmarnock Engineering Science Society (KESS) in the constituency, especially as 2018 is the Year of Engineering. If any school or community group is interested in finding out more or wants to get involved then please contact my Constituency Office on 01563 501412
